A visit to the Telekom Testbed – 5G Network Slicing

Deutsche Telekom AG

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This demonstration was implemented in an E2E Network Slicing Testbed at Deutsche Telekom’s Bonn lab based on 5G standalone (SA) infrastructure from Ericsson and 5G devices from Samsung. By means of the demonstration, the partners explored the capabilities of 5G E2E Network Slicing including verification of stable latency and guaranteed throughput in a congested network as well as the creation of different slices with infrastructure resource isolation. Two independent E2E network slices – a default eMBB slice and a gaming-optimized slice – were created for the cloud VR streaming game use case. The 5G E2E Network Slicing was designed and configured to enable higher throughput and stable latency to the gaming slice while providing resource isolation between the two slices.

The trial demonstrated a superior experience on the gaming slice even under congested network conditions. The user accessed the slices on a Samsung Galaxy S21 commercial device tethered to a VR headset.

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