Mobile 5G Laboratory

Test- und Demozentrum

Technical University of Dortmund
Communication Networks Institute
Otto-Hahn-Straße 6
44227 Dortmund

As a unique 5G technology platform, the mobile 5G laboratory of the Technical University of Dortmund brings a complete 5G network solution directly into the companies. For this purpose, an end-to-end mobile radio solution based on software-defined radio platforms on the radio interface (Radio Access Network) will be deployed.

Target group: NRW companies with a need for networking, especially companies with production and distributed locations.

Our offer: Exemplary realization of innovative 5G applications.

Unique 5G platform: Mobile 5G lab brings complete 5G network to enterprises.

End-to-end mobile radio solution based on software-defined radio and commercial platforms.

Complete integration of the 5G core network based on software-defined networking solution.

Operation of local 5G cells at 3.7GHz (5G campus networks).

Flexible and short-term use for on-site demonstrations and evaluations throughout NRW.


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In addition to 5G, further technologies are considered that complement or compete with 5G or its sub-aspects with regard to industrial communication:

  • Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) via dedicated end-to-end LoRaWAN network
  • Wi-Fi 6
  • Cellular IoT (e.g. NarrowBand IoT)
  • and much more

photo source : TU Dortmund